Jokes that you made up

16 Jun 2006
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United Kingdom
As per the title, list jokes that you personally made up, not ones that you read or heard elsewhere.

To start the ball rolling... btw, some might work better when spoken rather than written and the second one will only possibly make sense if you know what the word gora means.

1. "If the Irish national football team fluffed up defending a corner, resulting in a goal, would it be a forced Eire?"

2. A fellow from the Punjab goes to his doctor and tells the doctor that when in large open spaces full of white people, he feels very nervous. The doctor gives him a knowing look and tells him that he a gora-phobic.

3. Which aquatic creature calibrates pianos? A piano Tuna.
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Back in the 70s Kentucky Fried Chicken developed and bred the first boneless chicken .

It never took off. In fact it flopped.
I have this one mate who I see now and then.

Every time he digs his key in my back.

He thinks it's funny.

But it just winds me up.
To start the ball rolling... btw, some might work better when spoken rather than written and the second one will only possibly make sense if you know what the word gora means.

''Gora lola laughs'' Cilla would say.
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Pig headed
Hmnnn... might have worked better if you didn't include the word Pig in the question, perhaps using synonyms such as boar or porcine.

Not that my opinion counts for jack...
Hmnnn... might have worked better if you didn't include the word Pig in the question, perhaps using synonyms such as boar or porcine.

Not that my opinion counts for jack...

You asked a question. I posted, now you telling me it was crap. I never said my jokes where thought out or any good.
You asked a question. I posted, now you telling me it was crap. I never said my jokes where thought out or any good.

Erm, I didn't say it was crap, only that it might benefit from tweaking...
Hmnnn... might have worked better if you didn't include the word Pig in the question, perhaps using synonyms such as boar or porcine.

Not that my opinion counts for jack...

What do you use to fix a broken Duck ?
I've been trying for years to make up a joke about dolphins with the punchline "But that defeats the porpoise"
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