Just a quick question hopefully someone can help me with.
In one of my four terminal junction boxes on the lighting circuit there's no spare terminal for the earths. So they have been twisted together, without sleaving, outside the junction box. With not knowing if this was acceptable or safe I searched around for a five terminal 5amp box but could only find them in 20amps. So I bought one anyway and thought I'd post here before fitting it to check that it's ok to fit a 20amp junction box on a 6amp lighting circuit.
Many thanks,
In one of my four terminal junction boxes on the lighting circuit there's no spare terminal for the earths. So they have been twisted together, without sleaving, outside the junction box. With not knowing if this was acceptable or safe I searched around for a five terminal 5amp box but could only find them in 20amps. So I bought one anyway and thought I'd post here before fitting it to check that it's ok to fit a 20amp junction box on a 6amp lighting circuit.
Many thanks,