Kangoo RXE 104 petrol 2000 estate Flat battery problem

12 Aug 2007
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United Kingdom
Hi everyone we have recently had a new clutch which is now great BUT on getting it back as the battery was running out every few days we put in a new one. We could jump start it and it would run fine even with lights and windscreen washers going. We had a new battery put in but it is still happening.
Has anyone any ideas.
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Either the battery is ready to go to the great lead mine in the sky or the car has developed a heavy discharge problem when the engine is stopped and the ignition is off.
A few checks:
Check the voltage going into the battery with the engine running - look for 14.5v with the lights on;
Have the battery checked at a motor factors - they will do a heavy discharge test on it and report on it's condition (although you say it's new this could take it out of the equation)
Disconnect the battery when it is fully charged and see if it holds its charge until the morning.
I suspect the car is still draining the battery itself, so check for things like boot lights / glove box light not going out or whatever.....the most serious culprit is the alternator having a faulty diode pack but lets not jump to conclusions just yet!
Are the other systems working, such as central locking, electric windows etc?
John :)
Hi John with the battery completely flat we can jump started it and run it home some 10 miles with lights occasional indicators and occasional windscreen wipers all was working well. Had it on charge all night just been out for a run only thing was now it was missing under pressure but running fine. Just thought when running home when battery was flat the airbag light was coming on intermittently.
A couple of things to check, Ed.....
There are some symptoms of low battery voltage here - anything less than 14v when running is a no-go.
Also, after clutch work it wouldn't be the first time that earth leads from the engine to the bodyshell have been left off, and likewise check the tightness of the starter motor connections.
If the drivers seat has been moved it can interfere with the airbag -/ pretensioner connections under there so see if they are intact.
Be lucky!
John :)
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Would it be right to assume that you never had this problem before the clutch got changed?

If so take it back to wherever you had the clutch done and get them to fix whatever it is that they broke