Kayak frame using Plastic Pipe

5 Feb 2011
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United Kingdom
I want to make a kayak frame using plastic (PVC?) pipe. Can anyone tell me if waste water plumbing pipe is thicker walled than electrical conduit pipe please.:):):) Thank you
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Yes I do believe it is and also the pipe used with the plastic weld cement is stiffer and stronger then the push fit stuff. But you mentiond electrical conduit which makes me think you are referring to the 15mm stuff and not the 32mm and 40mm waste pipe.
I would say don't do this.
Plumbing pipe is not strong enough to handle the forces involved in kayaking, unless all your doing it paddling down a canal.

I would suggest you look for some carbon fiber pipe instead.
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Thank you to everyone who replied to this post.
I'll be using the kayak on lakes, canal and slow moving rivers.
Carbon fibre rods would be too expensive for this project. Each "pointy end" will be a suitably shaped block of wood.
The intention is to make the kayak "take apart" with the judicious use of dowels and stainless steel bolts.
How about trying tent poles?
The modern fibreglass ones that have elastic up the middle.

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