Kelvin Mackenzie wants apology for Hillsborough

10 May 2006
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United Kingdom
This sad excuse for a human being is now demanding an apology from the south yorkshire police for the lies they told him.
He reckons his life would be in mortal danger if he showed his face on Merseyside, I wonder why?
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I think he's just trying to deflect some of the criticism now that he's been about as discredited as it's possible for a journalist to be. :LOL: :LOL:
The police lied to all of the other papers, but none of them sent the boot in half as enthusiastically as he did.
It's nice to see that it's on the other foot now.
Only a couple of years back he was sticking by what he said. The man is a first class idiot
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He should accept he's apologised, and his apology has not been accepted. Rather than blame others he will just have to live with it.
He was an all too willing participant in the establichment cover up of the time.
It was he who gave the lies the percieved veracity that they did not deserve.
May he rot in hell.
Despite not living in liverpool, after that disgraceful headline I never bought the daily scum again...

But how many who also objected at the time have since bought other ragtops/broadsheets that have glorified/lied about other events that have also subsequently been shown to be lies?..

Just a thought... ;)
But how many who also objected at the time have since bought other ragtops/broadsheets that have glorified/lied about other events that have also subsequently been shown to be lies?..
That's a good point, we're probably all guity of that to some degree.
Apart from it's Hillsborough sins though, that rag the sun has done more to lower the standards in every walk of life in this country than any other paper. Again, largely contributed to by that pr*ck mackenzie.
you're damning millions of readers there, most of whom work hard and pay their taxes. if you don't like it don't buy it
EddieM";p="2522848 said:
He should accept he's apologised, and his apology has not been accepted. Rather than blame others he will just have to live with it.[/quote

Send letters to him then, all his life.
you're damning millions of readers there, most of whom work hard and pay their taxes. if you don't like it don't buy it

I think people who buy that rag damm themselves.
You can rest assured, I don't buy it. :rolleyes:
That puts me in the vast majority of adults in this country but doesn't stop it having a bad influence on my or others lives though.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming others.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming others.

I was talking about it's influence in the general lowering of moral standards, and the pushing back of the boundaries of what's acceptable.
There are many other things which have had a part in that but the sun has led the way for newspapers.
He was asked recently on Question Time about his headline, he said it was given to him by a Liverpool Press he was still lying 20 odd years later!
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