King Kong GRRRR!! LOL




I went to see it before .......I think I just lived it Its soooooo long

not a bad film but was let down by some really shoddy CGI scenes ,not what I was expecting for all the money they spent , an the script was a bit corny in places ,
an the subplot with Billy Elliot as Seaman Staines ,an the coloured guy as Master Bates was very cringeful ,

after watching the Origional the other day ,I must say that was better than this very long film ......

on the + notes some CGI Kong bits were excellent ,

I would recommend it but dont have anything to drink before hand as its 3hrs long an NO intervals nowadays for toilet break ,lol
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I watched the previous movie on dvd or cd in Slingapore ... At the end as credits rolled, I pondered over the 'people' like shadows, raising to upright then moving off left and right along the lower edge of picture.. then the penny dropped ... Piracy ;) :D :D :D
thats strange?

as the main guys in piracy use director cut Dvds that are supplied to the film crews at the end of filming the movie ,which is a BOSS version ,
the only difference with these freebies an regular dvds is at the end a big GOLD NUMBER is shown an it shows who accepted that freebie ...
its too stop piracy .... but net film warez guys just chop that off the uploaded film....

maybe in Slingapore ,
they do go in the cinema an film with digi cams , an then burn it to disc , so much easier if you have broadband to go to the Film "******" warez site....
I dont ....

an I going to the pictures giving my £4.70 an seeing a film in its massive wonderous glory ... an appreciating the Great work they do in filming it for me ... :)
This wasn't any 'main guy's' stuff ... twas 1998 the cd's were titled in marker pen ... amateur copies I reckon, tho' pretty good... We thought the filming must have taken place from the projection gallery... Hilarious when the 'shadowy' audience began to leave :D :D
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Really can't see the point in getting a pirate copy, surely it's better to see the movie how it was intended?
.....surely it's better to see the movie how it was intended?

Ah ha, so I must have been in a hurry when buying straight, I didn't get the sette which goes with the movie ... I see where the expense goes now.
:D :D :D
empip said:
.....surely it's better to see the movie how it was intended?

Ah ha, so I must have been in a hurry when buying straight, I didn't get the sette which goes with the movie ... I see where the expense goes now.
:D :D :D
Depends on the content ;) :LOL: