Kitchen rewiring?

19 Nov 2002
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United Kingdom
Can you help me with a technical difficulty which arises from the planned fitting of a new kitchen?

Currently one switch contols one light above the hob.
It is my plan not to mess up the wiring too much but to use the same switch to control two extra light fittings.

I have played around with lighting systems in the past and so I don't think this problem is unsovable.
I hope someone can point me to instructions on how I can make this happen or even where I can find such instructions.

Many thanks for your time.

Best wishes,
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Could you be a little more specific about the details Steve. It seems you are just trying to spur an additional couple of lights off the same switch, if that's true it's a fairly easy, but I would need to know a little more before telling you how this is done. For instance, do you want all the lights to come on at the same time, or were you hoping to add another light switch?
I think the lighting problem has disolved.

I have four strip lights for attaching under the wall units and I will power them from a spur designed for the extractor fan.

I am just about keeping on top of things given that it's an ongoing learning procedure.

Thanks for the reply.

If I need specific help then I'll be back.


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