Lad's Mags cause "real harm"



Oh give me strength !!

This woman, Kat Banyard, is leading a ...something?! ... saying retailers will face court cases if they sell mags with scantilly clad ladies on them, as they can cause "real harm"...

What complete tosh!

These mags have been on sale for years and caused no harm whatsoever,

Ms Banyard suggests it might portray women as "sex objects"? whereas i reckon it's women that make themselves sex objects... after all, I'm quite capable of looking at a woman and wondering what's she's like naked without needing a glossy mag to help me !!!

She's a woman on a mission that don't need fulfilling... think page 3 or page 7 fella !!

Go and make a real difference Ms Banyard !!!
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Well, the harm is that vital blood flow may be diverted from your brain to other places and you may pass out, or at the very least, become temporarily stupid.
Well, the harm is that vital blood flow may be diverted from your brain to other places and you may pass out, or at the very least, become temporarily stupid.

I think she meant harm to womenfolk and children..? I'm still dismayed!
Surely the only harm is reaching up to the top shelf?

Or being massively over sensitive to this modern world we live in and looking for easy targets?

(I've never bought one of these lad's mags in my my life, btw, but have a sense of where Ms Banyard is coming from - not a Freudian slip - and I personally think her actions cause more harm than those she aims to protect !)
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She's probably like the someone who said on television recently that

"nipples should not be on display as they weren't suitable for children".
The girl herself wants to be stripper.

"In Reaction Formation, people react strongly to their own unacknowledged desires by acting to suppress or even destroy similar desires in others (all the while denying that they themselves have those desires). So, Larry Craig and Mark Foley sponsored or endorsed anti-gay legislation and spoke out against gay rights (as did Haggard) but all three turn out to be gay themselves. "
So women don't like to be portrayed as sex objects?

So why the fascination with ORGASMS in womens Glossies??

Glamour magazine voted this stupid blinkered woman top feminist or something in 2010 and yet . . .,d.d2k&fp=9aa0e89edf737e51&biw=1024&bih=471

I took a Glamour magazine to the shopowner once and complained its cover with the banner 'best sex and orgasms ever' was next door to the childrens magazines my 8 yr old daughter was looking at.

Somehow though the oh so prude Kat won't admit that women have become sexual predators of their own choice and through their own indoctrination in womens magazines. The same magazines that give her Woman of the Year awards...

Ask any man or woman the number of sexual partners they have had?

Who do you think will always come out on top as the most promiscuous.

If men did not actually like women and womens forms and shapes just who would be giving all the women these ORGASMS they are so obsessed with???

It's a FACT that women talk more about sex in same sex groups than men.

This muppet Kat needs to wake up and stop trying to swim the wrong way up the tide.
Kat Banyard just needs to calm down and bide her time.

When this country is obliged to live under Sharia law, all women will be covered up from head to toe.
what a world we live in................ I think I`ll sign up for that one way trip to mars............. :mad:
I must say I'm surprised.

The sort of women who protest about these things are usually as ugly as sin and, I suspect, do it out of jealousy. This one's quite acceptable.
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