I'm looking to put Laminate Flooring in our loft. We currently use it for storage and don't intend to change it's purpose.
I didn't want to fall foul of silly mistakes as it seemd a little too simple to grab some cheap no-glue interlocking flooring from B&Q and pin it to the loft slats* with some screws in strategic places. [ * the beams I so carefully walk on at the moment ]
Would it be strong enough for storing things I can carry up the ladders (no more than about 10kg per box) ?
Would it require any additional insulation, soundproofing etc to comply with building regulations in Sheffield, UK?
[ I'd hate to have to tear it up to sell the house ]
Would it enhance our currently not very well arranged insulation by it's mere presence ?
I'm looking to put Laminate Flooring in our loft. We currently use it for storage and don't intend to change it's purpose.
I didn't want to fall foul of silly mistakes as it seemd a little too simple to grab some cheap no-glue interlocking flooring from B&Q and pin it to the loft slats* with some screws in strategic places. [ * the beams I so carefully walk on at the moment ]
Would it be strong enough for storing things I can carry up the ladders (no more than about 10kg per box) ?
Would it require any additional insulation, soundproofing etc to comply with building regulations in Sheffield, UK?
[ I'd hate to have to tear it up to sell the house ]
Would it enhance our currently not very well arranged insulation by it's mere presence ?