Laptop Charger

8 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
My partner has a Advent laptop that is no longer charging. Need to replace the charger and could do with recommendations please.

Are the universal ones worth getting?

Thanks :)
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A universal one should be ok if it provides the output you require. Are you sure it's the supply that is at fault and not the battery or laptop itself?
I use a universal charger with a Toshiba lappy. I've been using it for quite a while now and everything seems to be ok.
amazon seem to be best value for generic and actual battery packs and chargers
as an aside do not leave your laptop on charge
assuming lithium ion use it till 5-10% then charge to 95-98% your batteries will last longer
you can use whilst charging as normal
obviously on the odd occasion whilst traveling with sporadic supply keep on charge but not when you have power all the time like at home or office
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Don't cheap out on one. If it's under a tenner it's liable to be dangerous.