My toddler can now force this gate open by giving it a good shove - the fixed leaf is not held at the top so the gate flexes and the catch pops. Can you recommend a better latch which positively locks or would otherwise hold the gate?
As you can see from the picture I have one mounting hole per leaf, but I can drill more if necessary. Welding isn't an option. I only need child resistance, not security against intruders. The gate is used regularly by delivery drivers.
My toddler can now force this gate open by giving it a good shove - the fixed leaf is not held at the top so the gate flexes and the catch pops. Can you recommend a better latch which positively locks or would otherwise hold the gate?
As you can see from the picture I have one mounting hole per leaf, but I can drill more if necessary. Welding isn't an option. I only need child resistance, not security against intruders. The gate is used regularly by delivery drivers.