Leaf blowing


9 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
I've just been watching a gentleman in a high-vis. jacket (presumably a council employee) walking up our road with a leaf-blower. As he progressed along the road, he blew leaves from the pavement into the gutter. A short distance behind him, the wind blew them back on to the pavement! :LOL:

Can someone explain to me what has been achieved here?

I suppose the council has to spend our council tax on something! :rolleyes:

Edit: A lorry has now appeared, following the leaf-blower-man, sucking up the leaves in the gutter but leaving the ones that returned to the pavement. Never mind, the wind will soon re-distribute them and the trees will contribute some more to keep the leaf-blower-man in employment!

This sort of thing really cheers me up. :D
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I have often wondered the same thing. We have quite wide grass verges down our road which are cut periodically by a man on a mower (what a great job ... but I digress) followed by a man with a blower who pushes the cut grass back onto the verges, followed by the wind blowing it back again.

WTF is that all about??? :confused:
It's one of those "Essential services" that councils are always whining that they need to provide us with. :) Amazing what other people's money can be spent on.

The whole council thing is financially inefficient and self serving.
You're damned if you do & damned if you don't in an organisation like that.

For every person who thinks keeping public spaces looking neat and tidy is a worthwhile use of public money, you'll find another who thinks it is not.

It is very much a balance.

If you think your local council should ask the residents to vote on what to spend its budget on (after essential services), tell it.

But be aware that that survey itself will cost an arm and a leg too, and there will be plenty (you included, probably if the truth be told), grumbling that the money could be better spent elsewhere.
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My council sends round a £25,000 vehicle which sprays water in the gutters [in the few places we don't have parked cars].
Then it rains. :?:
To be perfectly honest, it doesn't bother me. I just found it rather amusing.

Even if they didn't blow leaves about, our council would find something else to waste money on. 'Equality and diversity' springs to mind! :LOL:
My council sends round a £25,000 vehicle which sprays water in the gutters [in the few places we don't have parked cars].
Then it rains. :?:

Not water, weedkiller mixed with water.
To set matters straight, and in all fairness to the council, I do realise that they have to take all precautions against people slipping and injuring themselves on damp leaves, especially in this day and age.

I would have waited for a calm day, though!
I remember seeing an old(around 80yo) boy sweeping the leaves on the pavement outside his house into a nice pile ready for bagging. He was there for about an hour when a truck drove past and blew them all over the place...........never have I heard such bad language from one of our ritired gentlefolk. :LOL:
An excellent reason not to sweep up leaves. I'll tell the wife next time I receive similar instructions.

Cleaning the car is the same. Don't do it - it'll only get dirty again.
An excellent reason not to sweep up leaves. I'll tell the wife next time I receive similar instructions.

Cleaning the car is the same. Don't do it - it'll only get dirty again.

I wont tell my wife...........I don't want to give her any excuse to ignore my commands.
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