The cistern I have fitted to my toilet is a bottom entry one and its leaking.
Its a plastic fitting and at the moment I have a copper 'Isolating Valve' fitted straight into that, its 1/2" into the cistern and 15mm to the copper pipe feed from the water supply.
I took it all apart last night, there was a fibre washer where the 1/2" goes into the cistern, that had perished, so I replaced it, made no odds.I also replaced the isolating valve for one exactly the same, I still have the same problem.I think it might be the fact that the thread on the cistern intake is stripped-any thoughts?I could try cutting pack the intake and try again, but that might stretch the coper pipe.
I tried putting PTFE tape on it, I wound it same way as the nut did up-is that correct? I can never remember if you put it on the way the nut goes or against.
Is what I have described the correct way to do things? it was done about 10 years ago by a plummer.
Is there a better way of doing it? I like the idea of an isolating valve, but coper to plastic seems to be a pain.
By the way I am on Mains water pressure-No water tank.
The cistern I have fitted to my toilet is a bottom entry one and its leaking.
Its a plastic fitting and at the moment I have a copper 'Isolating Valve' fitted straight into that, its 1/2" into the cistern and 15mm to the copper pipe feed from the water supply.
I took it all apart last night, there was a fibre washer where the 1/2" goes into the cistern, that had perished, so I replaced it, made no odds.I also replaced the isolating valve for one exactly the same, I still have the same problem.I think it might be the fact that the thread on the cistern intake is stripped-any thoughts?I could try cutting pack the intake and try again, but that might stretch the coper pipe.
I tried putting PTFE tape on it, I wound it same way as the nut did up-is that correct? I can never remember if you put it on the way the nut goes or against.
Is what I have described the correct way to do things? it was done about 10 years ago by a plummer.
Is there a better way of doing it? I like the idea of an isolating valve, but coper to plastic seems to be a pain.
By the way I am on Mains water pressure-No water tank.