leaky chimney woes

20 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
Hi all,

I'm hoping someone will be able to help. Our house is old - victorian - and we've recently had the majority of a chimney breast removed from it. We didn't have the whole removed as it cost too much and is built into the main roof. The builder who removed it has supported it underneath with beams, told us its been pointed all the way round, that he's replaced the flashing, he's sealed the top BUT it still leaks into it when it rains....
He now is telling us it might be spongy stone as the house is old, and suggesting we pay him more money to render the chimney and the outside wall - something we're not keen to do as it will look ugly and cost more money.

Has anyone got any ideas ? Will we really have spongy stone ?

Ta very much for your help
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