Less than a week after Hillsborough report, but....

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
The state continues with another cover up/whitewash...

Harwood gets the sack (although given plod history its possible he'll be re-hired somewhere), but the Disciplinary Panel refuses to consider any evidence as to what he actually did..

And of course his 'previous' is too long ago - a luxury that isn't afforded to ordinary civilians!

He also gets to keep his pension...

The State just loves to stick it's collective finger up at it's own population!!
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Waste of your fingers typing that ellal. No doubt someone will be a long shortly saying it was a light tap with the baton and a " simple, shove". Harwood has stated he "shouldn't have hit or shoved Ian Tomlinson. He might as well go the whole hog now and admit that he did cause the death of the unfortunate chap, (but won't do so, because he couldn't face the real consequences).
Harwood, should IMHO, have been found guilty of manslaughter at the original trial. He's a proven thug of the highest order. Unfit to have ever worn a police officers uniform.
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