Hopefully a quick question:
I am reconstructing my floor (as on another thread recently). I am re-using the brick joist pockets, so the joist levels are fixed. The floor was partially supported at 1/2 span on a masonry sleeper wall, and I will have a butt joint for each new joist on that wall.
I have had to take off a course of bricks and replace with a wood wall plate (2 x 4 kiln dried) on the sleeper wall. To get the right levels, I will then need to push each joist up by 5 - 30 mm on top of the wall plate. Any suggestions on what to use for this?
(Wall plate is on an extra thick dpm, and strapped down. I don't have enough time for mortar to cure on this).
Hopefully a quick question:
I am reconstructing my floor (as on another thread recently). I am re-using the brick joist pockets, so the joist levels are fixed. The floor was partially supported at 1/2 span on a masonry sleeper wall, and I will have a butt joint for each new joist on that wall.
I have had to take off a course of bricks and replace with a wood wall plate (2 x 4 kiln dried) on the sleeper wall. To get the right levels, I will then need to push each joist up by 5 - 30 mm on top of the wall plate. Any suggestions on what to use for this?
(Wall plate is on an extra thick dpm, and strapped down. I don't have enough time for mortar to cure on this).