lib dem broadcast

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There I was sat on settee crying into me beeer lamenting the fact that I'll never see the inside Of my consumer unit again and wondering what prescott and the ODP mob are goin to ban us from touching next. (they only just started) When that lib dem bloke on the telly said '''''' the liberal democrats are going to abolish the ODP''''''' :LOL: :D :D :D
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yeah but if it was that baby faced scottish bloke with the ginger hair, forget it, you cant believe a word he says cause he's always ****ed
Satisfying to know that the election could be decided on the promise of being able to look inside a CU again, have to get the priorities right. :LOL:
But they only promised to abolish the ODPM, not what it does.
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It's been so long since we have had a Liberal government of any kind, have we even had a Lib Dem government ever?

Anyway, much as I reckon it would be interesting to see what they would do, I have noticed something... Tories and Labour spend about 25% of their time coming up with ideas and policies, then 75% of their time slating those of the other guys or (in Michael Howard's case recently) pointing out that the other guys are copying them.

However, LD would appear to spend 100% of their time picking holes in other peoples' policies. I am yet to hear them actually come up with anything new other than a 50% taxation bracket. Whoop-de-doo. :LOL: Now, I don't have much faith in a party who's policies are:

1) pooh-pooh every idea that anyone else comes up with
2) don't bother coming up with any ideas yourself.

Perhaps it is their leadership? Paddy Ashdown wasn't so feeble... but then he wasn't very assertive either. He was somewhere in between (god I love Spitting Image! :D )
The Lib Dems have been pretty consistant in regard to education though. They have been saying for years they would prefer a penny in the pound on tax, which would be better in many respects than saddling people with debts. I also prefer the idea of PR which may balance some of the excesses of the Labs and Tories.

Tax at 50% may not be bad if that was it. I have recently been reading about flat tax which seems a better idea to me.

Somehow I can't see us trying this though, some influential people would probably loose to much!
Seems I spoke too soon... LD came out with something approaching policies today! :LOL: Only heard some stuff on the radio about it, but I look forward to reading their manifesto.