Yes i gave my job up and im back on the dole i will never work again
i am free not a slave to the system anymore and i am going to stay that way.
Tried work for 4 weeks and it aint for me folks let the tax payers pay for me life as never been better i can work on the side go on holidays when i choose i can go on and on ..............

Now i can see why all the pakistanis and the fugeees are up to mmmmmmmmmmmm
gonna live like this forever thanks for the hols tax payers.............
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No, you are more a slave to the system now.

You just haven't thought of your way in the system.
I hate to tell you this Bob, but they will call you for regular interviews and if you're not making an effort they will stop your money!

Btw, did you used to post on HW?
notb665 said:
No, you are more a slave to the system now.

You just haven't thought of your way in the system.

Notb665 i dont need to work as i an quit wealthy and i do it for fun
and i am not brained washed like most of you are i can be happy sat on top of a moutain, sat in a country bunkin pup in the afternoon suping cold lager, i have no morgage to pay you tax payers keep me nicely tucked up i drive a nice car i go sking , sun hols at leaset 3 times a year what more do i need
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OK I am pleased for you. But you make assumptions that may not necessarily be true.

And you are brainwashed - you drink lager. Think now. Think. You don't really like it do you now?
B.O.B DOLE said:
...... sat in a country bunkin pup in the afternoon suping cold lager......

I think that's outlawed now in the UK :LOL:
Brightness said:
I thought you could only claim if you had less than 8K in savings.....

correct no benefits will be payed till your savings income shares ect are less than £8.000
between £3.000 and £8.000 you get ever reducing amount of benefit
Brightness said:
I hate to tell you this Bob, but they will call you for regular interviews and if you're not making an effort they will stop your money!

Btw, did you used to post on HW?

well sorry to disapoint but the best way round it is IM DEPREESED DOCTOR I FEEL SUICIDAL it works every time brightness no questions asked the doctor asked me how long do i want a sick note for i will tell him 8 week and there you go. All my rent is payed i can go and work abroad for 8 weeks if i choose or do my forigners its so easy
Brightness said:
I thought you could only claim if you had less than 8K in savings.....

BRIGHTNESSyour not that bight at all are you think about it man
even a child could hide is wealth from the gov
Rather than working for fun and earning money, why don't you do charity work if you don't need the filthy lucre?
B.O.B DOLE said:
Brightness said:
I hate to tell you this Bob, but they will call you for regular interviews and if you're not making an effort they will stop your money!

Btw, did you used to post on HW?

well sorry to disapoint but the best way round it is IM DEPREESED DOCTOR I FEEL SUICIDAL it works every time brightness no questions asked the doctor asked me how long do i want a sick note for i will tell him 8 week and there you go. All my rent is payed i can go and work abroad for 8 weeks if i choose or do my forigners its so easy

mmmmm bob are you suggesting that you or other people should be "lying scroungers " :D :D
Hmmmmmmmmmm only for so long though, until someone reports you for doing your foreigners whilst claiming.

They can and will prosecute you if caught. I know this, my cousin works for DSS and has had to go to court many times. She is now an office manager and her life is a lot easier :D
notb665 said:
Rather than working for fun and earning money, why don't you do charity work if you don't need the filthy lucre?

notb665 i did work for charity once but foubd out that the fat cat i was working for was creaming all the cash off

B.O.B DOLE said:
notb665 said:
Rather than working for fun and earning money, why don't you do charity work if you don't need the filthy lucre?

notb665 i did work for charity once but foubd out that the fat cat i was working for was creaming all the cash off


What was the work you did?
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