light bulbs

7 Aug 2003
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United Kingdom
What materials are used to make: bayonette, tungsten, halogen and flourescent light bulbs? :rolleyes:
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you said What materials are used to make: bayonette, tungsten, halogen and flourescent light bulbs?

you have answered some of your own question.

Tungsten - halogen lamps are made from just that (and quartz)

the tungsten is the filament (bit that lights)
halogen is a mixture of gasses in the QUARTZ envelope it is all enclosed in, the reason being if it were glass it would melt

bayonette is not a light but the type of fitting used to hold the lamp in its fitting

Flourescent bulbs are not bulbs they are tubes, they are filled with a mixture of gas that when "exited" gives off ultra violet light, as this is of no use the inside of the tube is coated with a powder that glows (or floureces) hence the name flourescent tube.

one other thing bulbs are what you put in the ground to grow into flowers, lamp are the BULB SHAPED things (origonally) that light up.

why did you want to know?

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