have got my hands on some lino, and want to lay it.
1. when applying the adhesive, whats the best type and how would you appply? as you lay? or all in a oner?
2. do you have to leave a gap like wooden flooring pior to putting the skirting back on?
3 when joining two rooms together can you put one of them room dividery strips down?
4. when you cut to shape is it best toido the whole rrom at the same time or strips connecting to each other?
5. whats the best divider for carpet roon to laminate room?
Cheers troops, if anyone can answer any of these questions it would be m,uch appreciated
have got my hands on some lino, and want to lay it.
1. when applying the adhesive, whats the best type and how would you appply? as you lay? or all in a oner?
2. do you have to leave a gap like wooden flooring pior to putting the skirting back on?
3 when joining two rooms together can you put one of them room dividery strips down?
4. when you cut to shape is it best toido the whole rrom at the same time or strips connecting to each other?
5. whats the best divider for carpet roon to laminate room?
Cheers troops, if anyone can answer any of these questions it would be m,uch appreciated