In Rugby, Warwickshire our street has just had approved by 1 vote permission to erect a mobile phone mast in a highly populated area close to shops. A public meeting was in uproar over it and the 15 strong planning committee had a close call with it being approved by 8 to 7
A lady has just (Feb 2011) bought a new bungalow adjacent to the development site and council claim to have notified her on 14 March but she never received a letter . Local vandals ripped down posted notices.
She is partically deaf and with limited sight so no neighbours had contact with her so she has only just now found out about the mast being erected a few feet from her property, she is not happy.
Health issues I understand are ignored in the application and objections could only be based on location and appearance. The 40 ft mast is along a busy path used by children and the elderly. It seems we are steam rollered into it with no recourse???
is it all lost or does she have any rights ? If she or her agent could have had a say then the vote may well have gone the other way.
A lady has just (Feb 2011) bought a new bungalow adjacent to the development site and council claim to have notified her on 14 March but she never received a letter . Local vandals ripped down posted notices.
She is partically deaf and with limited sight so no neighbours had contact with her so she has only just now found out about the mast being erected a few feet from her property, she is not happy.
Health issues I understand are ignored in the application and objections could only be based on location and appearance. The 40 ft mast is along a busy path used by children and the elderly. It seems we are steam rollered into it with no recourse???
is it all lost or does she have any rights ? If she or her agent could have had a say then the vote may well have gone the other way.