Loft extension planning advice

12 Jan 2025
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United Kingdom

Morning all

Wondering if I can draw on the collective wisdom of this forum to ask for some advice.

I’ve submitted planning permission for a rear extension and a loft conversion/extension to a semi detached house I have purchased. My understanding was that planning permission was required because the house had already been extended by the previous owners - single storey rear extension and a first floor side extension over the garage.

My original planning application (pictures attached) for the roof included a full width rear dormer across the back (7.08m wide) and a hip to gable extension. Other dormers on the same road that have gone through under permitted development on similar semi detached properties have been around 6m wide. The dimensions of the loft alteration came in under 50m3 but I thought it would be best to include it as part of the planning rather than seek a lawful development certificate. But having read on here maybe that wouldn’t have been allowed anyway because of the loft and side extension joining?

The planning officer responded the other day to say the following:

The principle issue pertains to the scale of the proposed rear dormer. The dormer proposed subsumes the resultant rear roof slope and fails to appear as a subordinate addition to the host roof slope.

Whilst there are some examples of dormers in the locality these are not of comparable scale and in any event each site is assessed on its own merits.

I am offering one opportunity to address this concern by inviting revised plans amending the width of the dormer. Preferably it should also be reduced in height but if this is not possible then an even more meaningful reduction in width should be made. I cannot give exact figures however I would suggest the reduction in width needs to be at least 3m.

I’ve asked the architect to revise the plans(attached) but it seems that the the resulting dormer is now significantly smaller and not adding as much space as I would have liked.

The question I have ultimately is what are people’s thoughts on this new design and is it realistically the best I can achieve in the circumstances?

Thanks in advance
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Can you post the plans - ground & first floors from before any extensions were added, as they are now and the new proposed plans?

Unfortunately the original plans aren’t available on the councils website from when the first extension was done in 1995. But I’ve attached the current and proposed extension ground and first floor plans. I’ve highlighted the areas in yellow that were extended from the original house, hope that helps.

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