There could be advantages to this corona caper
People are waking up to how dependant we are on supply chains from China
We need to be less dependant on some countries for parts ect
Build up British manufacturing
Less people going abroad for holidays
Environment will benefit less flying
Less big roll going down the drains due to people rationing usage
Plenty of scum bags in prison will catch it and snuff it which wil save money
Blokes will. Have to stay at home and actually talk to. There missis instead of going yo. The pub which has happened to one bloke who discovered that his wife no longer works at wool worths
People are waking up to how dependant we are on supply chains from China
We need to be less dependant on some countries for parts ect
Build up British manufacturing
Less people going abroad for holidays
Environment will benefit less flying
Less big roll going down the drains due to people rationing usage
Plenty of scum bags in prison will catch it and snuff it which wil save money
Blokes will. Have to stay at home and actually talk to. There missis instead of going yo. The pub which has happened to one bloke who discovered that his wife no longer works at wool worths