My house currently has a small kitchen with an adjacent outside toilet and then next to the toilet there is a small lean-to. I intend to extend the kitchen incorporating the toilet in the process. In addition, I would like to remove the lean-to and build a small utility room which would also be incorporated into the overall extension. As the house is semi-detached, I want to be sympathetic to the neighbouring property and as such, I would like to preserve the pitch of the roof for the toilet and construct a new "separate" but adjoining roof for the utility room which would also be pitched but at a shallower angle (around 10deg I think). The attached photo shows the existing tiled toilet roof and the lean-to next to it. Ideally I would like to "finish" the utility room roof with tiles similar to the existing toilet roof but realise that the pitch is too shallow to allow this using tiles on their own. So, my question is, would I need to treat the roof as though it was flat and construct it accordingly (if so what would be the easiest way for me to do this material wise) or could I construct something that standard wise was between flat and pitched (if that makes sense)? Essentially, I want to end up with something that looks in sympathy with the original building but lasts longer than a traditional pitched roof (felt material I guess).