Hi, could anyone help! I am installing a moulded solid sapele stair handrail
and have cut each end at a vertical to the slope of the rail. I will want to stain it darker to match the opposite one. I am concerned that the end grain
will soak up much more stain than the top and sides, and will appear a much darker colour even when dried. Is it possible to treat the end grain to keep
looking more like the rest of the rail after staining? Any ideas would be most welcome. Cheers, Dave.
and have cut each end at a vertical to the slope of the rail. I will want to stain it darker to match the opposite one. I am concerned that the end grain
will soak up much more stain than the top and sides, and will appear a much darker colour even when dried. Is it possible to treat the end grain to keep
looking more like the rest of the rail after staining? Any ideas would be most welcome. Cheers, Dave.