Daft question - but does it matter which side up you put the rubber shower tray seal on the McAlpine shower trap (19mm seal).
There is a flat side with 3 groves and a side with no groves but a slight angle (i.e. not quite flat).
I would image that the groved side lies goes flat against the trap and the angled side against the shower tray but if anyone could confirm that then it would be much appreciated.
Daft question I know...
Many thanks,
Daft question - but does it matter which side up you put the rubber shower tray seal on the McAlpine shower trap (19mm seal).
There is a flat side with 3 groves and a side with no groves but a slight angle (i.e. not quite flat).
I would image that the groved side lies goes flat against the trap and the angled side against the shower tray but if anyone could confirm that then it would be much appreciated.
Daft question I know...
Many thanks,