To measure the earth electrode resistance is it a case of doing a Ze test as normal ? Is the limit 21 ohms according to NIC ?
I dont understand the calc as per bottom p78 OSG "For TT systems, the value of the earth electrode resistance Ra in ohms multiplied by the opertaing current in amps of the protective device 'I (delta) n' shall not exceed 50V e.g. if Ra = 200ohm, then the max RCD operating current should not exceed 250mA"
Could someone please explain.
I dont understand the calc as per bottom p78 OSG "For TT systems, the value of the earth electrode resistance Ra in ohms multiplied by the opertaing current in amps of the protective device 'I (delta) n' shall not exceed 50V e.g. if Ra = 200ohm, then the max RCD operating current should not exceed 250mA"
Could someone please explain.