Measuring Kickboard Height

25 Aug 2016
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United Kingdom
Hi all,

Is there a trick to measuring kickboard heights under kitchen units?

Normally I put the tape under it and bend it as best I can and get it close enough but it's a ballache at times, I just wondered if a pro who does it regularly had a different way of doing it?

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Steel ruler? But don't they effectively just sit on the floor with gravity and the top few mm cannot be seen anyway if there is a gap?
Basically yes, the way I've done it has always worked I just wonders if there was another way the pro's use
I wish I’d had bothered measuring mine…..

"Major schoolboy fùck up today. Waiting for some filler to dry so I thought I’d put the plinths on. Couldn’t be an easier job. :rolleyes: First I cut the sink plinth to size, tried to fit it but it was too tall. I cut about 20mm off of the top, fitted it, perfect. Next, the 800 unit and 800 drawer unit. 1600 in total. Cut that, took the same amount off the top, fitted it, perfect. Couldn’t do the fridge/oven/larder assembly as I haven’t fitted the end panels on yet. Went and had a cuppa. Came back out to the kitchen and WTF - from the other side of the kitchen I could see a gap between the top of the right hand side of the 1600 plinth and the bottom of the cabinet. Whilst my worktop is dead level, my bloody floor isn't - there was a 6” gap between cupboard and floor at the left side of the plinth and near on 7” at the other end. You can see it in the picture below. We've lived here since 1990 and I’ve never noticed it before. Looked ****ing terrible. I then walked to the end of the hall and looked into the kitchen and I could see a bloody great gap between the top of the plinth and the bottom of the sink unit. I screamed and cursed and I could have cried! Made me feel sick. It’s given me the right hump and I’m totally ****ed off with the kitchen now."

I’ve got over it now. Just!
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I read that the other day when you did it, I then promptly went and messed up cutting the length of a skirting board, fortunately I had plenty spare
Steel ruler.
Check in various points in case the floor is uneven.
Then cut it 4mm short.
And if the floor is uneven, flip it around and scribe it.
Ask @Mottie how to do it...;)
Scribe it to the floor first then measure the gap. Plinths ars tedious soul destroying horrible things. I always set my kitchens higher so i don't have to cut them.
I decided to freshen up my kick boards, with a coat of paint, a couple of years ago, and still had some left over from when I originally fitted the kitchen, so I decided to move the taller board heights over, to the next section which needed to be shorter. Basically, that allowed every panel to be retrimmed for height....

Before I started, I made myself a gauge, so I could get an accurate measure of the height of kick board needed. I cut two pieces of 1x1/2 timber, 2/3rds of the height of the kick boards - clamping them together with a spring clamp, I extended them fully under where the kick board was to be fitted, brought it out, then measured it. I then repeated for the other side, marking the board up for trimming. I also checked the mid-point of the longer boards, to make sure the height variation was consistent.

All the boards needed, was trimming a few mm with an electric planner, which I did in my B&D workbench, out in the garden.

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