Memory Loss

17 Jan 2006
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United Kingdom
Can anyone remember what our soldiers are doing in Afghanistan?
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could be making the world a safer place etc etc drugs blah blah terrorists killed etc etc the list is endless but the men doing the work are not

Slogger said:
could be making the world a safer place etc etc drugs blah blah terrorists killed etc etc the list is endless but the men doing the work are not


It can't be drugs because if any government was serious about stopping drug growing/trafficking it would have happened years ago.

It can't be terrorism otherwise more countries would be there after all it effects them as well. I've heard Norway is really bad at the moment.

So what are were other reasons?

I think hermes is closer, assuming they live long enough to grow old
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what was the question again ?? :confused:
I believe it's meant to be a "Hearts & Minds" campaign to get the farmers to stop growing drugs and start growing crops. In exchange for this the farmers will receive medical treatment for free. However, it appears the drug warlords started doing this ages ago!!! :eek:

Or was it something to do with the teletubbies! :LOL:

Although it's not widely advertised - I wonder how many troops dying there (not just our own but others too!) :mad:

Hazard a guess at about 100 per week - Canadians seem to be getting clobbered a lot!

Either way - it's a loss of far too many lives. :mad:
The reason behind the war was because, after 9/11, the USA (or its head honchos anyway) felt they had to do the playground equivalent of beating up a much smaller, much less popular boy to make itself feel big again.

The reason that British troops are there is that Tony Blair was so excited at the thought of the US president being his bestest friend, that he would have done anything to keep in with him.

As to what they're still doing there, to their credit, is staying behind to at least try and do something about the complete mess they have made of the place rather than just leave it.

Will try to hunt out the links, but during the main body of the war I used to read the news on some website that had transcribed Russian intelligence reports. If you read them with about a two week time delay, they were surprisingly accurate compared to the official versions of events.
johnny_t said:
The reason behind the war was because, after 9/11, the USA (or its head honchos anyway) felt they had to do the playground equivalent of beating up a much smaller, much less popular boy to make itself feel big again.

That may have been the original reason but the troops have returned since!
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