Michael Jackson

16 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
Michael Jackson, what ever you think of him its got to be said "he aint normal!"and he,s not really capable of rationale thought, so should them plastic surgeons be messing about with his face like that? their basically making a fortune out of someone that is do lally, I think that they should be held responsible for it, their educated people making a fortune out of other peoples insecurities (i'm abit surprised that the yanks havn'nt thought of this already). what do you think?
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Anything goes at the high altar of the $

'Never give a sucker an even break' --- Will he suck or be sucked - or both ! ;)
When surgeons perform elective surgery, the mental condition of the subject is taken into account.

This is done for two reasons:

1) Make sure that the subject really does want the surgery in question
2) Make an assesment that the subject will give it a go themselves if necessary, possibly doing themselves some harm.

Now, number 1) is pretty easy. If a woman wants bigger boobs, they go through a pretty thorough grilling. I know someone who just wanted a lift, and she said the interviews with the surgeon reduced her to tears. They have to be that thorough. I would imagine it is the same with all such procedures. What man wouldn't want a bigger willy, but will it actually cause you mental anguish if it remains as is? :LOL:

Number 2) is a little harder. In some cases, people have gone to the extent of amputating their own, healthy appendages, because they are that unhappy with the way they look with that appendage in place. Seriously, there are people who feel that way. Now, if you lop your leg off, there is a good chance you will bleed to death. With any such things you might die of resulting infection.

So, there have been cases where a surgeon and psycologist have agreed that someone is THAT do'lally, that they have decided it is in the best interests of the subject to amputate, lest they end up killing themselves.

Perhaps cosmetic surgeons are worried that MJ will buy a big pot of playdoh and some superglue and DIY his nose?
AdamW said:
............. What man wouldn't want a bigger willy....
The poor b'stard pushing his Richard around on a wheelbarrow all day .. no doubt !! ;)
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When surgeons perform elective surgery, the mental condition of the subject is taken into account.
Well that's what I thought but old Wacko seems to have slipped thro the net, it seems a shame when you see earlier photos of him as a healthy looking black lad. and there's no doubt that them Surgeons didn't do him any favours tho I get your point about self mutilation.
Shame really but i think he has lost the plot as well. Do you think he is guilty??, i have a tiny niggle that he could well be
i have an enormous bloody great (who thinks im on about the subject of plastic surgery so far????) inkling that he is guilty as sin and is going to be leaving never never land for another security laden play park where he will be the plaything (probably for crusher smith in cell B5)
I suspect he,s guilty, if he was a child he would,nt be (but he,s like a child in a grown-ups body, but he,s an adult so kids should be protected from him,sorry I'm not explaining this very well!!! he,s already admitted that he sleeps with kids and that isn't right so I think he should be reprimanded in some way, he dosnt realize that its wrong but thats what pedophiles think so Prison?
he,s like a child in a grown-ups body
well! :confused:
Absolutely agree. I reckon he's guilty but just doesn't realise that it's not acceptable behaviour. Of course, that's no excuse and he should be dealt with accordingly.
you sure all this fuss is money orientated him not paying out again makes him go to court?
theyve done it in such a way so as he cant pay out this time
I'm in with ninebob and kev on this one...but i would include some form of horific death penalty just to put off any other i'm a celebrity so its ok to do whatever i like types...!!
just me sorry have an 18 month old daughter and its fair to say my attitudes have hardened somewhat since her arrival...possibly not all for the better i'll admit! :D
spence_spark said:
...but i would include some form of horific death penalty just to put off any other i'm a celebrity so its ok to do whatever i like types...!!
No, that's not quite what I meant. I don't think MJ had the attitude "I'm a celeb, I'll do what I like". I don't beleive he's that arrogant - he seems very childlike in himself, he probably finds his behaviour quite normal. Death penalty not appropriate in my opinion, perhaps prison for the protection of other kids, but with a programme of education to show him he's wrong so he comes out of prison a changed man.
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