Doing an oil and filter change on my 2018 Micra K14 engine. Does anyone know of any method to remove the plastic oil filter cover.
It's so tight that it's distorting the plastic nut on the end of the cap. I feel if I put any more pressure on it, it will just round off the corners.
Why do manufacturers make things like this out of plastic, what was wrong with the old oil filter in the cartridge system.
Most grateful for any help
Doing an oil and filter change on my 2018 Micra K14 engine. Does anyone know of any method to remove the plastic oil filter cover.
It's so tight that it's distorting the plastic nut on the end of the cap. I feel if I put any more pressure on it, it will just round off the corners.
Why do manufacturers make things like this out of plastic, what was wrong with the old oil filter in the cartridge system.
Most grateful for any help