mild or bitter

20 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
i have noticed that most people either drink bitter or lager now but mild is starting to look like a pint of the past :cry: what can we do to bring the great british pint of mild back ;) is mild less stronger than bitter :confused:
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can you still get it? not in my local, I never liked it, it was like gravy browning ;)
Yes mild is weaker than bitter.

The pub I used to work in served a "Mickey Mouse", half a bitter and half a mild in the same glass. However, I got something different when I asked one of the barmaids for a "Donald Duck".
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I had the odd pint of Brown and Mild in the 70s but never really liked it :) BTW whatever hapened to Ben Truman lager
mackeson's sugary beer yuk
India Pale Ale IPA

ESB strewth!
I tried mild once, didn't like it, saw no point in ever trying it again.

A half-pint of bitter is much less intoxicating and most taste better than wife-beater lager.
It must have been some of that muck that they serve 'darn sarf' with no head on it.
Flat as a f4rt and tastes cr4p!
"A pint of old scruttocks bowel buster please!" ;)

Bitters are fantastic, from the light summer hoppy ones right to those which suit this time of year like Bombardier and Hobgoblin, to the more quaffable best bitters like e.g. Black Sheep, all brilliant!!
Mild isn't a drink ... It's a punishment ... We should force prisoners to drink it as part of their sentence ;)
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