Mince Pies In Co-op

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Noticed them a couple of weeks ago.


This batch had a sell-by in October!
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ASDA sell them all year round and I've been known to bake my own in the summer. G/kids love them.
Fair enough if you sell them all year round, but these have CHRISTMAS all over the box.

And went on sale in the beginning of September...
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Mind you, there is some evidence that JC was born round about the end of September/start of October. So it may well be that the co-op is factually correct ;) :mrgreen:
Mind you, there is some evidence that JC was born round about the end of September/start of October. So it may well be that the co-op is factually correct ;) :mrgreen:

Factually incorrect, John Cleese was born 27 October
Tesco's are starting to stock up on Easter Eggs. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
(well it wouldn't surprise me )
Have done! Well, a BTEC, anyhow!

Used to work in the food industry as a lab technician, but done retail and all sorts of other retail bits & bobs.
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