Over use of contract emulsion as a mist coat is quoted in the leyland paint technical video on youtube. Look it up on skillbulder channel.
To answer if you want to allow the new build to continue drying out over the next 6 month use contract emulsion as the moisture will travel through.
If it is all dry as just a skim, then you can mist coat with any of the trade emulsions if it says on the data sheet you can. Look online for pdf.
With retail paints (dog on can in dulux case) has thixotropic agent in so it don't drip which is not recommended to thin or stir paint. That's no good for plaster.
Durable emulsions don't like going over dry surfaces although some can be used but you need to read up on plaster application for each product. So many different types of paints on the market now.
I myself use acrylic primer undercoat as cheap. Goes over plaster. Seals a bit making it easy for any of the paints to topcoat over.
To answer. Coverplus is fine straight on after adding water. Look up coverplus application data sheet online for further advice on plaster application, or you can go with the acrylic primer undercoat.
Problem with contact emulsion is, its orange peal surface and its very dry causing better quality emulsions to get the life sucked out of them, vs sitting and settling on surface which causes problems.
Just wish everyone would spend 1 min looking at the application data sheets online. If you can't find one don't use product as rubbish.
Contract paint should only be used in new builds and lashed on in rentals. Ha