Posting here and in CC in hope someone is familiar with a problem client is having
The mixer in picture posted, top control makes a burping noise when a cold tap is run ( I think when tap shut even gently). I was at the property and witnessed the noise which can be felt on the top control. Sometimes the shower will keep on dribbling, and other times, no taps are run yet shower still makes random noises.
There use to be a vented cylinder at the property, disconnected at some point and a Vokera 29a steamer put in its replacement for heat only boiler ( familiar with similar property nearby that had that setup)
Initial thought was a dead leg on the hot line but do not notice ( but was not focused on it either) any delayed boiler start or delayed stop when a hot tap is run, nor a boiler activation for hot water when a cold tap is run. This may not be valid as have not looked at these anomalies with a critical eye as was replacing a PRV and AAV at that moment
Peculiar issue with Vokera 29a. Had removed harness off the pressure switch and hot water thermistor for better access to the PRV ( discharge pipe soldered so could not be removed for easier access ). Post parts replacement, boiler was modulating during hot water and pegging at HW at 40/ 41 degrees. Pushed, wiggled plug on thermistor, issue resolved.
Any thoughts from the regulars will be most appreciated.
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