
23 Nov 2003
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United Kingdom
I had the occasion to write the word 'Testicles' in a thread recently, and was quite shocked when it was asteriked out!

It's not a rude word, or a swear word!
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The mods don't care.

Say you'd like to cut someone's off, or stick a red-hot poker through them, and that's OK - it's perfectly alright, encouraged even, to expose any person reading this site to the glorification and advocation of grevious bodily harm and murder.

But dare to use a non-offensive term for a part of the body like that, and who knows what damage you might do to impressionable minds. Heaven forbid - you might teach them something, and that wouldn't do, for where would the next generation of ignorant slavering barbarians come from?

The mods will hide from you, and you will never, ever, get them to justify their actions - they are either too afraid to come out from behind their delete button, or they have just enough brain cells to realise that they cannot justify themselves on any rational basis.
notb665 - please put it back.

And keep putting it back.

At the very least, make those terrified fools work for their living.
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The Shed Lover knows what the word is! Just look carefully...
notb665, I am inclined to agree with you, to a point, the word you typed was edited by the auto swear filter. I suggest you contact admin, not us mods.

The main problem is that people like to swear / abusive language / wrong context.

If some one wants to see "colourful pictures" they know where to go / what to look for, and as such will expect to see "certain words" (probably complain if they were not there) This being a DIY forum, they do not expect to see such words, that is why the auto swear filter removes them, Although i have no objections to the word you typed.

So who was it, at some time between 00:47 and 00:57, changed the "auto swear filter" to detect not just the word in question but also the sequence of letters with embedded text attribute marks?

A moderator or an admin?

And if whoever did it is reading this, would they please step out of the shadows and explain in what way t e s t i c l e s is an obscene or swear word?