Having had a new hearth fitted and about to get carpets put in I'm worried about the cause behind this water appearing through the floor boards. Basically I had to dig up the old concrete hearth and took a few bags of soil type stuff up and then refilled with broken bricks and sand with a new concrete base. Then the hearth was fitted a good few weeks after. That was about 3 months ago and now the carpets will be going in I noticed after shifting things out that the floorboards appear to be drawing water. My concern is that it's drawing from the ground due to the soil base I came across as I would assume it would have dried by now. Any help gratefully received. Thanks
Having had a new hearth fitted and about to get carpets put in I'm worried about the cause behind this water appearing through the floor boards. Basically I had to dig up the old concrete hearth and took a few bags of soil type stuff up and then refilled with broken bricks and sand with a new concrete base. Then the hearth was fitted a good few weeks after. That was about 3 months ago and now the carpets will be going in I noticed after shifting things out that the floorboards appear to be drawing water. My concern is that it's drawing from the ground due to the soil base I came across as I would assume it would have dried by now. Any help gratefully received. Thanks