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Can we have that for brexhit too please
So is the UK going to pay back the costs to Rwanda of those who have claimed asylum from said country?
Can we have that for brexhit too please
Have you ever heard a brexiteer say there are only benefits from brexit?

And then fail to back up said claims?
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I’ve told you the benefits of Brexit that we thought we had but you went back on your word. I can’t repeat them again because you complain to the mods about it and get them removed.
So even Rwanda thinks it'll never happen.
On this occasion I'm uncertain.
Should I post a :rolleyes: or a :ROFLMAO:
Rwanda have enjoyed the £400million kindly donated by UK, which they're hanging on to for now, :rolleyes: with an offer to repay it in x number of years. :ROFLMAO: on condition that UK don't send any refugees. :ROFLMAO:
But Rwanda has already taken advantage of the mutual swapping of refugees by sending 6 of theirs to UK. :rolleyes:

There. I've sorted my quandary. I've used two of each. :ROFLMAO:
Oh, bu99er that's three of one and two of t'other. :rolleyes:
Sorted. :ROFLMAO:

Maybe Motorbiking wants us to read the Bill again. :rolleyes:
Have you ever heard a brexiteer say there are only benefits from brexit?

And then fail to back up said claims?

Ban on live exports of sheep pigs and cattle for slaughter
Now law ;)

Vat cut on sanitary products and talk of being no vat at all ;)

Just backed up said claim ;) again
Note what has actually been said:

She said in a statement that the funds paid to Rwanda were intended to support the country's economic development as well as to "prepare to receive and care for the migrants when they arrive".
"Under the terms of the agreement, Rwanda has no obligation to return any of the funds paid.
"However, if no migrants come to Rwanda under the scheme, and the UK government wishes to request a refund of the portion of the funding allocated to support the migrants, we will consider this request.

I believe that most of the money so far has been for economic development. I think I read that only £20m has been to prepare for the asylum process.
Ban on live exports of sheep pigs and cattle for slaughter
Now law ;)

Vat cut on sanitary products and talk of being no vat at all ;)

Just backed up said claim ;) again

All of which were possible whilst in the EU...

Are you really so thick to keep banging on about things that have been proven to be wrong?

Oops I forgot, yes you are that thick! :LOL:

All of which were possible whilst in the EU...

Are you really so thick to keep banging on about things that have been proven to be wrong?

Oops I forgot, yes you are that thick! :LOL:

Not so but
Oh I forgot you are mis informed / basically as thick as two short planks :ROFLMAO:

How did you get on with your research into halal meat in schools did you Google it ??

So is the UK going to pay back the costs to Rwanda of those who have claimed asylum from said country?
Rwanda will consider a request from the UK to return the £400million, but only if UK asks for it. :rolleyes:
A Rwandan government spokeswoman later said the country had "no obligation" to return the money but would consider a request for a refund from the UK.

Edit, notwithstanding Jonathon's earlier posts, which I've only just read.
We can just write it off as a bit of foreign aid! can't we?
That's what the vast majority of it was for, bribe economic development.
It seems my recollection was correct! According to this letter from the government, £270m of the first £290m is for economic development, and only £20m is to support asylum seekers. So, it seems to me we would only be getting £20m back.

Indeed it is so...

But since you claim a 'brexit bonus', maybe you could tell us whether 'live animal exports' are banned between separate UK countries?

Or transporting animals for slaughter between different regions within UK countries?

Care to tell us the difference of where you can draw a 'border line'?

Because to an animal it cares not whether it will be transported to Europe or another 'third country, or even Essex...

Mind you, Essex is probably the worst option ;)

And of course you will not be buying any animal products from other third countries that care not how animals are treated?

Such as from the US?
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