Monkey Bush's MUM ,What A diplomat TEEHEE



she was touring the disaster zone ,an laughingly heard to said ,

"*these* people you know, are poor an they havent lost much anyway,
as most are on welfare an they will be making on the fund payouts any how,an what they looted "

this was reported all over the news before but now I cannot find anything on it on the net ,an the BEEB has dropped the story ,either it wasnt true or STATE CENCORESHIP IN FORCE ??
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I've noticed that the Beeb do this quite a bit. If you follow the interactive news, quite often you'll pick up on a story that is quite embarassing to the US, that is then dropped within an hour or so.

I recall when the US had blockaded the ports of North Korea. This was in response to a "suspicious ship" that needed to be investigated. The ship was boarded (by the Spanish I beleive), and was found to be carrying conventional Scud Missiles to the Yemmen.

This blockading of the North Korean ports was in direct contravention of a standing agreement between the US and North Korea. In this agreement, North Korea had agreed to abandon it's nuclear programme, in return for the assurance that it's ports would be kept open at all times for the import oil. Koreas trading of conventional arms was 100% totally legitimate. In direct response to the US's breaking of the agreement, Korea was now threatening to resume it's nuclear programme unless the blockade is lifted immediately.

Within an hour of this story appearing on the BBC's interactive News, it was dropped. Shortly after this, another story broke that North Korea is suspected of planning to develop nuclear technology. This story made no mention of the antagonistic role that had been played by the US

This is just one story that comes to mind. I have seen quite a number of stories that are embarrassing to the US on the Beebs service, that get dropped within a couple of hours. I can't help but believe that, there is some sort of oppressive censorship going on here.

As for DW's ma's comments. It doesn't surprise me. From what I gather, The US have a class system based entirely on wealth. If you don't have money, you're not important.
Well I certainly saw the report on the BEEB news this dinner , it didnt have her speaking but she was grinning as a reporter said , she was filmed saying/mouthing it an a lot of news progs use lip readers for this ..

of course it broke all over the world an on the net but by 7 tonight its vanished , I even rang the beeb to complain at the Manchester station , they said there was at dinner a broadcast on this but the bbc thought it best to delete it as it wasnt revelent news

I told the man to put through to complaints an I told the guy how utterly disgusted with the BEEB doing this an I dont think director general Greg Dyke would of done this , then the operater said , Im sorry I will log your complaint an I fully agree with you ..!!!

just goes to show .... we are such small world where things go global to nothing ..

bushs mother outed as a heartless racist an rich vulgar bitch ..
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and here's another, so it's definitely true. I wonder who pulled which strings to get it taken off other sites, I agree there's something very dodgy there....
The peculiar thing is, that although it is the British Broadcasting Corporation, it seems that, only stories of embarassment to the US are censored :confused: Is this another part of our "special" relationship?
WEll Done Guys .... ;)

I am sure its all been pulled to save that monkeys face , the guy at the beeb was so upset as well I talked too .......

before on a beeb complaint I made awhile ago
I got a return call within 1hr , which is the norm, I WAS TOLD !!!

and I was given an indepth reply ,
an if still upset/Dissatisfied,I was given the postal address of the D/G complaints an they would would do a full inquiery what had gone wrong ..
that Gregg D yke was a good fella ...;)

my last complaint I was happy with the apology ,an left it ,

I have recieved nothing since my call to them about this ..

I will haunt them tomorrow over this ..til they red flag me with Mi6 f**k them , lol ;)
went to a wonderful site , before ...

who are on par with this thread , an saw a very funny post/cartoon

cartoon bush Mum ...
Walking on dead negros ,an pushing dead black kids too the lever ,

"Well they plug the holes in the lever, an they were paid welfare ,...let them support us now .. lol ;)

shocking the many other posts about it would really upset .. em , any way enough ..
bush Mum ...
Walking on dead negros ,an pushing dead black kids to the leve ,
6 o clock ITV news last night ...bodies floating ....STILL.. The night before , some Ray Banned **** in Military fatigues strutting around on a Dry patch of land
I`m just waiting for the Triple K to come out of the woodwork. Special Relationship with UK....ENOUGH is enough..
Nige F said:
I`m just waiting for the Triple K to come out of the woodwork.
They've had to disband, they couldn't get a cross to burn as all their matches are soggy.
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