More crap advice

5 Aug 2009
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United Kingdom
Another five minute load of goolies on early morning TV...for the Elderly..'How to keep warm'
It's all right telling the elderly to walk round dressed like eskimos with four pairs of socks on.

I'll give 'em some advice...leave the soddin' heating on and to hell with the bills...
If the rumours are correct and Cameron scraps winter fuel payments for pensioners...then I hope that he loses all the elderly vote that they all ignore.
Make friends with MP...a Banker...or a Vet.They're stinking with cash and their radiators will be red hot.
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Make friends with MP...a Banker...or a Vet.They're stinking with cash and their radiators will be red hot.

Unfortunately that is not very good advice. So, where do we go from here?

Within spitting distance of my house is single pensioners in large detached houses who are hemmerageing money on heating because they can afford it.
Its just sad that they cannot all be bused off to somewhere warm for the day in comfort and not use up massive amounts of energy. The same goes for the unemployed as well. For the ones living in rooms with no extra money for warmth this can be a very bad time.
For myself, I could go to work all day but cannot be bothered, so upgrade the comfort level by fitting triple glazing. I also have another pensioner here staying during the day so it makes the energy use a bit more economical. Some times though it is difficult to help old people, but I keep trying.
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We already do that, cremation?
But then we just let the heat go up the chimney.
Only problem with taking the OAP's somewhere for a day to keep warm is,,,, When they return, their houses are too cold and therefore use more energy to heat back up again. Also, keeping them altogether in one place for a day, risks the spread of flu and colds etc. Hmmm perhaps that's a better idea. Take them all to a centre where there's a few with swine flu, dreaded lergy etc. That way, they'll all succumb during the winter months, leaving more gas and electricity to go round. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

And you wonder why?

crying now after telling me it was tough if i didn't like your advice/opinion.

Only problem with taking the OAP's somewhere for a day to keep warm is,,,, When they return, their houses are too cold and therefore use more energy to heat back up again. Also, keeping them altogether in one place for a day, risks the spread of flu and colds etc. Hmmm perhaps that's a better idea. Take them all to a centre where there's a few with swine flu, dreaded lergy etc. That way, they'll all succumb during the winter months, leaving more gas and electricity to go round. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

JJ I do take your point about the flu thing but that possibility has been diminished by the jab. It's just I feel that the old need places to go other than shops and cafes when the weather is cold. They are an independent lot and resist sharing.Their places can be okay for them if they are shown how to. But many resist the changes they may have to make. My town could not afford a Day Centre for the elderly but its growing so I'm looking into the possibility right now. :)
Wreckedit, My post was strictly tongue in cheek, But I agree with you that more towns/villages etc should have places for them to go (only if they want to). Some OAP's hardly have any company as it is, and the cold weather means even less visitors.
I think we should all spare a thought during this severe weather for elderly neighbours who may need a little extra help. We always ask a couple of old neighbours if they want anything bringing back from the local shops etc when we go. (plus it gives us the chance to just say hello and make sure they are ok) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Wreckedit, My post was strictly tongue in cheek, But I agree with you that more towns/villages etc should have places for them to go (only if they want to). and make sure they are ok) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
They do - Pubs :idea:
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