More red tape on home-improvements?

14 Nov 2004
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United Kingdom
Sometimes you just don't get it? Is it just me or...?

Reading between the lines makes me wonder if enviromental home-improvements are now being shot in the foot?
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If Council Tax is based on the value of your home, it seems very fair to me that it should be based on the real value.

So my swimming pool, sauna, 20M conservatory and tennis court mean that I should pay more than poor old Mrs Scroggins and her cat next door.

Not to mention my five bathrooms, the loft conversion with billiard-room and dancefloor, and the six-bay garage for my Bentleys.

(I will wake up in a minute)
JohnD said:
So my swimming pool, sauna, 20M conservatory and tennis court mean that I should pay more than poor old Mrs Scroggins and her cat next door.
Well, I see it difference

Example, I've spent a lot of money over the years on my home improvement which is good for the economy and yet Mrs Scroggins kept all the money in saving will pay less council tax even through she's richer than me and I'm not talking about the real poor people.

Am’ I talking rubbish?
Mrs Scroggins wealthy son bought himself a £500,00 house and pays quite a lot of council tax. Her other wealthy son bought a £100,000 house and shovelled money at the bulders who extended it, converted the loft, added a pool, sauna, billiard room, 5-bay garage etc and so now it is a £500,000 house. Should he pay less Council Tax than his brother?

Funnily enough, if Mrs Scroggins does have savings, she pays more tax than you, because she pays income tax on her savings interest, and has tax deducted from her dividends. She will also pay Capital Gains tax when she sells any investments to buy catfood. You won't pay Capital Gains tax on your house when you sell it to move to Marbella.
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No, the point I was making was the people who do not spend any money on improving their property.

The less you spend on the property the less council tax you would pay.

If me & you have £500,000 each and I've spent it all on my property and you didn't, you would pay a lot less council tax than me and yet we both got the same amount of money, so why should I be punish for spending the money and not you?

Am'I still talking rubbish? :LOL:

Edit: I didn’t see your 2nd paragraph :LOL:

So why is the rich people are now richer under Labour but do feel the middle class is suffering again
In most cases we do not have wealth tax in this country (perhaps we should) only on income and gains on assets (except main residences).

But as long as we have a system where the owner of a £500,000 house pays more Council Tax than the owner of a £100,000 house, I think it should be applied fairly across all such owners, regardless of whether they bought it at that price, or bought it at a lower price and upgraded it.

Isn't that fair?

masona said:
Edit: I didn’t see your 2nd paragraph :LOL:
that's because I added it when you weren't looking :LOL:
JohnD said:
But as long as we have a system where the owner of a £500,000 house pays more Council Tax than the owner of a £100,000 house, I think it should be applied fairly across all such owners, regardless of whether they bought it at that price, or bought it at a lower price and upgraded it.

Isn't that fair?
If it's done correctly then yes but somehow I think it will be another mess to sort out.

My uncle is a millionaire and says he's so much better off under Labour polices :eek: The balance is all wrong somehow.

The rich people are more richer than ever before under Blair Government. :eek: and yet want more money out of the middle class.
If I may 'interrupt' the discussion so far ;)
My point was: environmental home-improvements are being promoted by the government on the one hand: this instant revaluing for council tax is breaking this down again. That's what I don't get, or is that just me?
Opps went off topic here,

The idea of the Government policies is to brainwash you so you don't understand it, so they will grab any money they can :cry:
It is a poor method of local taxation. Surely a nonsense to penalise someone on the value others have placed upon their home?
Taxation should be based upon the ability to pay.

There was once a window tax - windows can be seen to be bricked in on older properties today.
There will be problems ahead...
You're in favour of a local income tax, then, Empip? Or a local Wealth tax?

One of the big advantages of a Property tax is that houses are quite difficult to hide.
In favour of neither of them.
The middle ground will take the full weight as usual.

I'm certainly not in favour of payin more tax just because I got a 45 ft conker tree in my garden complete with a P.O , Nice view out of window :evil: Or because I decided to help save the planet by havin double glazing...Or just because a few well off individuals decide to move into our road... making it a desirable area :rolleyes: .. and ****ed off that I will be paying more tax because I decided to struggle,scrimp, sweat blood and tears to get my own house. I realise now I shouldnt have bothered... should have gon on the council housing list... As lyons says .... councill / rent payers should be subsidised by owners have more to gain.... :rolleyes: Looks like its going back to the old rateaeable value scenario where a little old lady with all her capital tied up in her house will be payin the same tax as a family of four....
I dont see why people in bigger houses (which usually means better areas) should pay more council tax at all.
Heres why.
A friend of mine that I grew up with on a scabby council estate (where my remaining family still live) now live in the biggest house I've ever been in, in the middle of nowhere - you know the ones you pass on a country lane out in the sticks, next door is about 10 minutes walk away.
They have no street lights, a single wheely bin plus a recycle bin, they dont have a garden waste bin because the gardener sorts all that out, and because its a nice area, police rarely go there as theres no need to.
Now on the other hand, someone that lives in a crappy area - maybe because they cant really do much more for a living than sweep up or ask "would you like fries with that" but although they arnt a rocket scientist and therefore cant afford to live anywhere but in the small terraced house opposite the council estate, they have worked all their life, they have streetlights, they have a single wheely bin plus a recycle bin plus a bin for waste from their small garden, police patrols are regular due to the area, the are also often called out as are the fire and ambulance services, BUT because the house isnt worth much, they pay less council tax - thats Fkin BoLOX !
Maybe the dossers in the council estate shuold get off their lazy backsides and get a job and pay their own council tax then the dick head government would have more money.
Anyway, not directly on topic but not completely off. If it were up to me Blair would be alongside Saddam - hes no better.
Not another stealth tax??

There isn't much we don't get taxed on is there? I think being born is the only tax free thing you get now (its a sweetener to make up for the fact you will get hammered for the next seventy to eighty years and then your family will after you die).

PAYE, NI, VAT, fuel duty, road tax, stamp duty, capital gains, council tax, death duty. There just the ones I can think of now.

The biggest insult is that I have to pay TAX & NI on my private healthcare (given through the firm) as it's deemed a taxable perk. How does that work? I'll be using the NHS less and therefore have to pay more towards it with no rebate on the original contribution I make?
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