use a mix of 1:6 if its above ground, you really want it quite wet, so when you pick it up with your trowel it will only just slide off as you turn it, and when you put a run down on the bricks you should be able to run your trowel through it to spread it across the bricks, with it still staying stiff enough to work with (if that makes sense) Also keep the bricks you are using dry before you lay them. Too stiff (which is what it sounds like you are doing) and its difficult to work with, as the bricks will suck in the moisture and leave the moratr unworkable. Practice a few small mixes and then try and lay a few practice bricks with it. Even with a wet mix, once the bricks have been down for about 10 minutes, youll be amazed at how much they soak up and change the mortar.
Dont put washing up liquid in, it contains salts and helps to breakdown the strength of the mix, get a bottle of plasticiser (only about £5).