26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
its a dark day for the lawfull amongst us seems the idiotic types won the vote on the 90 day terrorist incarceration

28 days lol no where near enough

buncha pansys in charge
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Anchor....Do you not have the slightest idea of the implications of that legislation?

How would you like to be locked up for 3 months, without charge, with no contact from your family (They may be grateful mind), no legal representation and no recourse to the law?

Sane people understand the need to address the Terrorist issue, but locking people up for such a long time with no checks and balances is a recipe for abuse by the authorities

According to a Newsnight program a while ago, after the 7/7 events the Police actually detained some 60+ people, all were found to be innocent of any connection to the events and were released...but in the melay of sorting out the aftermath, these people under this law could have been held for 3 months BEFORE the Police said "Sorry, our mistake"

In 3 months your life would be turned upside down, mortgage problems could cost you your home, your marriage could be damaged etc etc.

28 days is enough time for the Police to recover enough evidence to satisfy a Judge that they need to be detained for a longer period, a power that the courts have already got.

We are supposed to be a JUST society, not a blooming Police State.
All these liberties and so called western freedoms that we have become accustomed to in this wonderfully enlightened country of ours have to be earned, do we as a society deserve them? :rolleyes: I think not.
Well you give yours up, I'll keep mine thank you.
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Has anyone thought that this is exactly what tony blair wanted, he was pressurised by the police authorities and public pressure into doing something, perhaps he knew that the legislation would fail restoring the status quo for him yet showing he's prepared to do the public's bidding, he was onto a winner either way although it's a no vote he can now blame parliament for letting the country down both giving him a boost and turning the voters against the tories for voting against him.
It doesn't matter about his power diminishing as it's the first time he's failed getting a vote and anymore failures will not matter as he knows he's not going to stay in office for much longer anyway.