Muslim Account

16 Mar 2004
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United Kingdom
Heard on the radio this morning that one of the financial institutions is offering what named as a muslim account, this allows for islamic teachings to be complied with thereforth it gives NO interest and NO overdraft facility.

There's nothing new about that, i've had one of those accounts for years, only problem is they call it a high interest account :LOL:
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Just has a look at my bank statement and saw 7p interest credit to my account. Hmmm, must invest more money into it, might need a couple of £million for a better return :rolleyes:
There is an Islamic bank that opened on Edgeware Road in London, last year, that works on the muslim principles. If I recall it invests your money and puts the profits into muslim-approved charities.
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The Union Jack shown is only the right way up if hung on the left side -- The broad white bands are uppermost on the 'hung' side !! ;)
pipme said:
k'in best place for ye !! ;) ;) :D

I KNOW !! Late flight back to blighty, at this rate the "hospitality" will ensure I don't need a plane I'll be flying solo !! :D :D
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