National Statistics - Annual Business enquiry form

17 Oct 2004
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United Kingdom
Has anyone else had this thing through the door?

Put out by the Office of National Statistics its called an Annual Business Inquiry. Apparently a compulsory survey sort of thing where you have to answer such things as nature of business, turnover, breakdown of turnover, expenditures, enploye costs, taxes paid, capital expenditure, etc etc.

Failiure to complete and return can incur penalties.

The results of these surveys is to act as a basis for the National Accounts and various economic indicators.

I've binned it about 4 times but still they are sending me this junk.
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when the Govt letters require a handwriting sig , SAVE

IF NOT ...
open or throw them away , as my accountant says ...
I had a run of these years ago and threw them in the bin. Eventually they phoned and threatened me with court action for not returning them. The forms are like official census forms and businesses are obliged to fill them in. They definately do carry penalties for failure to comply and would also make a good stealth tax too.

The annoying thing is, it is all bureaucratic duplicity, they have most of the information already.

I can't remember all the details as it was a while back, but does the form say you must return it or fill it in and return it? If the former you would be entitled to send it back empty.
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