need a good quality digital camera...

11 Oct 2010
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United Kingdom
i am looking for a decent quality digi camera mainly for my project house refurb besides trips outings etc...maybe price range £70-125 approx ? anyone reccomend any + what i should look for whilst choosing one :confused: cheers again :)
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Go to Currys/Dixons and look for sale stuff.
Might be older stock, but will be fairly high spec for the price.
Mines a Pentax I got reduced from £350 to £130 Only 8meg pix but a nice cam :D
Special offers on at Jessops at the moment, Panasonic and Canon, both just shy of £80. The panasonic has slightly better specs, but the canon is more compact. I bought the canon and have been pleased so far. Got a decent case from poundland :D
Have a Canon digi cam, eats batteries, if I was buying a camera, I'd go old school and get an SLR, non digital.

Basically I think, you take too many random pictures on a digital, to eventually delete some bad pics, but eventually upload the ones you like onto the computer, and show them on various media sites, then after a while they are forgotten, lost, or deleted...What happened to the good old photo album?

You might print out a few photos, but printers use that much ink, that the quality is impaired, and the ink fades, why pay £20 each for a printer cartridge, when sending them off to a shop costs £3 for 30 prints, that will last 100 years, where your printout won't?

I think photography is an art form, you set the composure, the mood, the effect, not random pictures of red eyes, pished up at a party with boobs out.

Who on here, has real printed out pictures of their child, in their early years, as opposed to digital versions, that haven't been printed out? Only in the digital world? In 50 years will the digital version exist?
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You make a good point there Mick, my mate lost about 4 months worth of pics of his newborn, when he lost his iphone :(
Mickymoody said:
I think photography is an art form, you set the composure, the mood, the effect, not random pictures of red eyes, pished up at a party with boobs out.

I'm inclined to agree with that. The cost of film and the need to carry it around, load it, unload it then get it processed does make you think twice before you release the shutter. On the other hand, you can still be a good photographer with a digital camera. It's up to you what you do with it. :) :) :)

Deluks said:
my mate lost about 4 months worth of pics of his newborn, when he lost his iphone

And there's a good example. Maybe the biggest advantage of digital photos is the ease with which you can make backup copies. He had the facility but didn't use it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Mickymoody said:
Who on here, has real printed out pictures of their child, in their early years, as opposed to digital versions, that haven't been printed out?

Oddly enough, we have the opposite problem. We have quite a few photo albums around the house and box-fulls of prints still in their envelopes. Most have not been looked at for years. :( :( :( So I decided it was time to invest in a digital photo frame. :idea: :idea: :idea: It has stood unused since Christmas, waiting for me to make a start on scanning all those old prints --- :oops: :oops: :oops:
IMO for a house refurb, you need a camera that can go in your pocket, will not easily be damaged when it falls on the floor etc. And no need for interchangeable lenses. No fancy depth of field or blurred motion requirements. No action shots of wildlife or racing cars. Lots of gritty dust. So I'd want a slim soft case.

So a DSLR is inappropriate.
You make a good point their Mick, my mate lost about 4 months worth of pics of his newborn, when he lost his iphone :(

So why not hit the thanks button? :p

I'll do it mate because it is a very good point. ;)

Must admit, I like the look of that Panasonic one in the previous link and am looking for one myself, so thanks for that too, Deluks. :D
You want a panasonic with the wide angle lens. Ive got lumix 10mp with 25mm lens and its great for taking shots of large rooms and is smaller than a packet of cigs. It must be under 100 quid now. Camera phones are ok for spur of the moment pics, but a wide angle dedicated version is a must if you want extra detail.
I get the better digi pics printed off.
Local Chemist does 100 prints for £10.00.
Then back up, one set on a USB another on DVD.
the fuji S2500HD is at a very good price right now @ £124 with five year gaurantee. thats if you don't mind slr type body,plenty of good spec.if you want panaroma with a wide angle lens and a few bells and whistles.stitch three photos together for a great compact is casio j90.another great camera for macro shots.
Just purchased a new Fuji digital SLR, as an upgrade to an older version. Very good cameras for their price.

I appreciate other posters on the old SLR's (with film) but you can still use modern SLR camera's the same way. Adapt - I still miss my old camera's, but we all have got to move on. :)
IMO for a house refurb, you need a camera that can go in your pocket, will not easily be damaged when it falls on the floor etc. And no need for interchangeable lenses. No fancy depth of field or blurred motion requirements. No action shots of wildlife or racing cars. Lots of gritty dust. So I'd want a slim soft case.

So a DSLR is inappropriate.

For a house refurb, as you describe, I'd buy one of those instant cardboard cameras, no focus etc...use it, then have it processed, no messing about opening it, changing film, or memory cards...they are like £5? or so all in? Bought and processed? But the OP stated he wanted it for other occasions, did I suggest a DSLR, or an SLR? As cameras seem to eat batteries, go olde style with a 110..

I was standing next to my brother to take a shot of a train for a magazine article, I was like 14 at the time, his photo on his ultra expensive kit, got published in the magazine, but when my pic came back, to me, it seemed better quality. (And the magazine reversed the image)
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