My neighbour just had. A new boiler fitted and the plumber has put there co fensation over flow pipe throw there wall and drilled into my waste pipe that attaches yo my house is this allowed. I agreed at the time as I thought it was just a temporary thing as he was filling a hole where the old flo was thinking it was just to wash the stuff down afterwards.. he did not want to do it to the neighbours garden as it was harder work for them and would have to cement the pipe in or something and the kids would of broke it. I have attached a picture to show all help will be appreciated thanks
My neighbour just had. A new boiler fitted and the plumber has put there co fensation over flow pipe throw there wall and drilled into my waste pipe that attaches yo my house is this allowed. I agreed at the time as I thought it was just a temporary thing as he was filling a hole where the old flo was thinking it was just to wash the stuff down afterwards.. he did not want to do it to the neighbours garden as it was harder work for them and would have to cement the pipe in or something and the kids would of broke it. I have attached a picture to show all help will be appreciated thanks