I live in a maisonette and have a new upstairs neighbour who hasnt moved in yet but is having building work done. Firstly the incompetent builder decided to drill the hole for the flue without warning me, and coming in from the garden with my dog i was showered with lumps of brick tennis ball size! Now the flue is in place directly above my back door, but obviously many feet above, and central heating working....... well everytime the heating is fired up water spurts from the flue and lands over my head at back door, during the day the puddle grows and grows....... They have put an overflow pipe in the bathroom which continually drips onto my water butt. So I am assuming that this shouldnt happen? The flue constantly blows out steam so I am assuming it is a condensing boiler? I dont want to fall out with new neighbour, but i am pretty sure it must be against building regs? Also in this cold weather the puddle outside my back door is in danger of icing up. Once the new occupiers move in the heating will be on more and more, not just when the builder wants it on, so the puddle will be growing larger and larger and I am in danger of getting a shower everytime I walk out my back door. The new neighbour has bought the property and I am an Orbit South housing tenant who has lived in the property for 33 years. Any advice would be helpful, thanks, Elizabeth