my neighbour has built a lean to (no walls, just a corrugated roof over rafters, resting on his rear wall and on a joist supported on vertical posts at the outer edge. It's spans about 2.2m out from the back of their house.
He's then fixed trellis which starts at 6' off the ground and goes up to the roof height which must be 9' along the side of it - it's actually fixed to the boundary fence posts between us (possibly his fence). So the 9' high trellis and the roof are aligned with the boundary fence beneath them.
The trellis is mismatched, I've had bits of previous roof coverings (hardboard and felt, corrugated plastic) land in my garden after blowing off in the wind. It's a real eyesore. He's stacked firewood in the shelter which fell down, pulling down the albeit rotten fence panel closest, and then didn't replace it - after 3 days I had to at my cost - I needed it done immediately as I have two kids under 3 and he has a Rottweiler.
He's also decked over almost the whole garden, save for a small patch of grass.
Should I contact Building Control / Planning and get them to take a look?
I really just want the lean to and trellis removed as they are a real eyesore.
He's then fixed trellis which starts at 6' off the ground and goes up to the roof height which must be 9' along the side of it - it's actually fixed to the boundary fence posts between us (possibly his fence). So the 9' high trellis and the roof are aligned with the boundary fence beneath them.
The trellis is mismatched, I've had bits of previous roof coverings (hardboard and felt, corrugated plastic) land in my garden after blowing off in the wind. It's a real eyesore. He's stacked firewood in the shelter which fell down, pulling down the albeit rotten fence panel closest, and then didn't replace it - after 3 days I had to at my cost - I needed it done immediately as I have two kids under 3 and he has a Rottweiler.
He's also decked over almost the whole garden, save for a small patch of grass.
Should I contact Building Control / Planning and get them to take a look?
I really just want the lean to and trellis removed as they are a real eyesore.