
11 Nov 2020
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Middle Earth
United Kingdom
"Everybody needs good neighbours, right?

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Angry villagers have appealed to authorities for help after being left frustrated by a huge rubbish dump that has slowly built up in their neighbourhood.

Since 2021, piles of rubbish - including potentially dangerous items that could "kill someone" - have been left outside an empty house in Thorngumbald in East Yorkshire.

Almost two years since it began, the neighbours have declared that 'enough is enough' and that 'the rubbish must go'.

Junk [email protected]

A can of petrol and a well placed match would've solved that problem a long time before now.
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Buy a couple of those wildlife cameras and catch the tippers on film. Then get the council to act, or shame them on social media. We are living in feral times where lack of funding is causing chaos. But not in the wealthy areas, so they don't give a s###. Document all your actions and dealings with the council as to how they are proceeding with action. Very often you have to push, and get local councillor on board. If I lived next door to that, I would find the owner and start taking the crap to their current address.
Buy a couple of those wildlife cameras and catch the tippers on film. Then get the council to act, or shame them on social media. We are living in feral times where lack of funding is causing chaos. But not in the wealthy areas, so they don't give a s###. Document all your actions and dealings with the council as to how they are proceeding with action. Very often you have to push, and get local councillor on board. If I lived next door to that, I would find the owner and start taking the crap to their current address.
Rogue tippers have no shame.
And no reflection.
Neighbourhood watch should organise a vigilante group if the council can't sort 'em out.
Surprised this didn't get more comment.
Had one neighbour who thought it a good idea to keep a cockerel that let everyone know it was there early morning.
Is that trans's gaff?


But it’s not unlike my mates place
Which is absolutely rammed with old wrecked cars

In excess of 40 at a guess plus various parts and builders equipment

Cement mixers
Ect ect

Only 2 cars there worth a toss
And soon to be a 3rd :cool: Work in progress
Surprised this didn't get more comment.
Had one neighbour who thought it a good idea to keep a cockerel that let everyone know it was there early morning.
I wouldn't say it was early, unless she was doing it near me on a sunday morning after a night out during my drinking days. Maybe she should consider digging it out and planting a mossy garden instead.:mrgreen:

But it’s not unlike my mates place
Which is absolutely rammed with old wrecked cars

In excess of 40 at a guess plus various parts and builders equipment

Cement mixers
Ect ect

Only 2 cars there worth a toss
And soon to be a 3rd :cool: Work in progress
I've always imagined you drive a red Rolls Royce limousine around Toad Hall. PoopPoop!:giggle:
I wouldn't say it was early, unless she was doing it near me on a sunday morning after a night out during my drinking days. Maybe she should consider digging it out and planting a mossy garden instead.:mrgreen:
This one is more about Sunday. Alan Titchmarsh doesn't get his tool out on a sunday.
Mr T's okay; his show on Classic FM is easy listening although the tv prog he has on a sunday is dry as unbuttered toast. I'd much rather have Monty for a neighbour. He's still the Don of all things green n' good in a garden as far as i'm concerned.

Wouldn't there be some sort of decibel count for using a power tool before 9am?
I find the situation about the rubbish strange. Assuming the council know who owns the property, there must surely be means to contact them? Although of course, that doesn't mean they'll reply! I've looked at the property on Google maps and back in 2008 it looks as though the rubbish was already starting to accumulate. If the owner has moved and perhaps passed away, there will be an executor for the estate whether appointed by the owner or otherwise. Although granted these things can take time to sort out, sometimes unreasonably so.
Gurwinder Singh has been ordered to knock down his 'monster mansion' which neighbours say had been making their lives a misery as they were forced to blast music to drown out the sound of construction


A homeowner says she had holes put through her bedroom wall and had to blast the music of Queen to drown out her next door neighbour's daily jackhammering.

[email protected]

'Hammer to Fall' would be my choice. :D
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